Gain insight into the structure of Master Information Hub entities and services, and the possibilities you have to customize the implementation of a subtyped entity and its services. 了解MasterInformationHub实体和服务的结构,以及如何定制子类型实体及其服务的实现。
It was difficult for the poor households who lack education and skill to master the trained techniques and gain benefit from it; 那些教育水平和技能低的贫困农户难以掌握所培训的技术,受益困难;
To counteract insecurity, make sure you master your knowledge and hone your skills to gain confidence in yourself. 想要消除那种不安全感,我们就要确保自己牢牢掌握了知识,磨砺了技能,以获得对自身的自信。
Prince Corwin, rightful successor to the throne of Amber, must master these alternate realities, fight demonic forces, and survive the ruthless schemes of his own family to gain the crown. 柯文王子,安伯王座合法的继承者,必须征服这些交错的真实,反抗恶魔的压迫,并且在他自己残酷的家族体系中存活下来赢得王冠。
He does not satisfy working as a literal arts master, but hopes to gain soon the doctor's degree. 他并不满足于当个文科硕士,而是希望不久获得博士学位。
It also makes us treasure more dearly the blessing we have, such that we can follow a living master and gain liberation. 也令我们更加珍惜能跟随一位在世明师并获得解脱的福报。
Master, please help me to overcome my ignorance so that I can gain wisdom. 师父,请帮助我摆脱无明,让我能得到智慧。
The adoption of a teaching module employing a human analogue significantly improves first aid training level, which can help the students master trauma management skills and gain self-confidences. 将实尺模拟装置引入创伤急救技术培训和教学过程中对提高急救培训水平,帮助学员掌握创伤救治操作技能,增强现场急救自信心取得了明显效果。
In order to ensure pupils with polio can master knowledge, adapt to life and fully integrate within society, it is crucial, to help them gain study skills and learn effectively. 掌握学习规律,有效地开展学习,是保证儿麻患者学好文化科学知识,适应生活、走向社会的关键。
Master language, taining of ability of speech is not only a necessary condition to gain knowledge, but also the premise of the development of thinking ability, it is necessary to strengthen the ability of speech of physics in middle school. 掌握语言,发展言语能力,不仅是获取知识的必要条件,也是发展思维能力的前提。在中学物理教学中必须加强物理言语能力的培养。
Through the training of reading in a wide range and the cross-cultural awareness, let the students develop a good habit of reading English, master certain English-reading skills, and gather experience of English learning, so as to gain the comprehensive language ability. 通过加强对阅读范围的训练,加强对跨文化意识的培养,使学生养成良好的外语阅读习惯,掌握一定的外语阅读技能,积累英语学习的经验,从而形成学生综合运用英语的能力。
In order to enable the students to master the correct way of learning English and gain the efficient studying instruction, the traditional teaching model, which emphasizes instilling knowledge, should be reformed thoroughly. 而在中学英语教学中要想让学生掌握正确的学习英语的方法,要使学法指导进行有效,就有必要对传统的以传授现成知识为主要形式的课堂教学模式进行彻底改革。